Board of Directors
The board of directors of the Belgian Cancer Registry consists of:
Representatives from the Ministry Dr. Karin De Ridder, Sciensano
of Social Affairs and Public Health. Dr. Stephan Devriese, KCE
Dr. Dominique de Valériola (vice-chair), Institut Jules Bordet
Dr. Anouk Waeytens, INAMI/RIZIV - Cabinet/Kabinet
Representative from the Ministry Dr. Karin Haustermans
of the Flemish Community
Representative from the Ministry Mr. Guillaume Westenbohm
of the German-speaking Community
Representative from the Ministry
of the French Community
Representative from the Ministry Elise Mendes da Costa
of the Brussels-Capital Region
Health insurance firms Dr. Michiel Callens (Chairman)
Dr. Alex Peltier
Dr. Carina Bonnewyn
Dr. Philiep Berkein
Dr. Ann Ceuppens
Dr. Danica Zamurovic
Dr. Hedwig Dubois
Dr. Astrid Janssens